Monthly free office hours

Starting this month, you can connect with us for an hour for free to work on anything you'd like to.

These sessions could be used to discuss your product, to pair program on code, to discuss your team culture or career choices, or anything else that is on your mind at work.

Product sessions might involve discussing your startup idea, product requirements, feature delivery in an agile environment, product design sprints, or balancing speed with quality and technical debt as a few examples.

During engineering sessions, we might pair program on a problem you are having, talk through your architecture choices, or try to experiment with a different approach to what is in place now. To get the most of these sessions, we are most comfortable around Ruby, Rails, HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Alternatively you might want to have a light conversation about your team and team culture, and what that means to you. Topics that come to mind are:

  • how to run effective one on ones,
  • how to hire for diversity,
  • hybrid work environments,
  • inclusive leadership,
  • providing feedback,
  • how to search for a new job, or
  • salary negotiations.

Three sessions for the first Thursday of each month are available. So book a session and come and chat to us.

Feel free to share this with people around you who could benefit too!

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